Monday, August 30, 2004


"The creative mind plays with the object it loves." - Carl Gustav Jung

I've got this problem. It is an overload of creative ideas. The opposite of writers block. There are five or so book ideas in my head and I can't focus on them all. One is fiction and the rest are non-fiction. Any advice?

This Saturday my close friend Bert is marrying his fiance. Another dear friend Missy is marrying her fiance. Both weddings are taking place at the exact same time. So I will be missing Missy's wedding. Bummer.

Coincidently both weddings were scheduled similarly. I was there when Bert and his fiance were planning the date. They asked me to check the calendar and see what date the second Saturday of September fell on. I did not think about it as I read off the date, but when they heard it was the September 11th, they quickly chose another date. Turns out Missy's wedding was selected the same way. Funny, when I said the 11th, I wasn't even thinking about 911.

Oh well... stranger coincidences have happened to me.

- Tony

Sunday, August 29, 2004


"I think age is a very high price to pay for maturity." - Tom Stoppard (1937-)

Maturity and wisdom, the two go hand in hand and recently I have been reflecting on how much I have grown as a person and how much I need to grow.

For example, when I was 20 years old, I usually started out looking for a reason to do something, to spend money, to date someone or to go someplace. Now at 27, I find myself first looking for reasons why I shouldn't. Will it benefit me? Can I afford this? Is she any good for me? Is that a safe place to go?

I have also learned to better manage my finances. Right now, I have my second credit card. The first one I ran up to the high heavens (well not that high-not compared to others). I spent most of the money on things I thought I needed (i.e. food and other essentials).

It took that first credit card to teach me the lesson that it is often better to do without than to create debt that you cannot pay back.

Back to relationships and this includes friendships. The older I get, the less of me I expose early on and the less I let my other guards down. Now don't get me wrong, I am outgoing and I love people. I am just not quick to trust people.

Maybe it is because I have been burnt before or maybe it is because I really value deep quality relationships over shallow quantities of them.

No doubt both.

I once read in a Bazooka Bubblegum fortune,
"One true friend is better than 1,000 false admirers."

So true... so true.

- Tony

Saturday, August 28, 2004


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmond Burke (1729-1797)

I saw the new Exorcist movie, "Exorcist The beginning" on Thursday night. I must admit that at first I did not like it. In fact I nearly walked out of the theatre. Reason being, there are some scenes that are quite disturbing. I mean more disturbing then I have seen in any horror films. Those scenes include a few children meeting horrible, violent and grotesque deaths.

For me, I felt that they did not need to show all that they did, and coming out of the film I hated it. That was until it was pointed out to me what a great movie it was.

You see as upsetting and disturbing as this movie was, it did show that violence against children, prejudice, perversion, and war all are inspired by darker origins. Too often people get mad a God for these things. The movie also depicts that the main scene is the spot where Lucifer fell to the Earth and that he is the one directly responsible for all of these atrocities.

Best yet, unlike the first Exorcist, God is glorified in the actual Exorcism. In the first film, the Priest was unable to cast out the demon, and instead made a deal with it, inviting it into himself.

This time around, a priest does rededicate his life to God, is accused by the Devil for his past sins and then by the power of God, casts it out. I hated it, hated it more, then realized it I liked it... well, with the help of someone else.

Additionally, the beginning was not only depicted as this prequel story, but the beginning was when Lucifer fell.

For entertainment value, I was not a fan. One star. *
For exposing the Devil's works, I give it five stars. *****

- Tony

Thursday, August 26, 2004


"If we only have the will to walk, then God is pleased with our stumbles." - C.S. Lewis

Well this is it. My first blog on my new blog. Here I will be updating often, talking about myself. How conceited does that sound? Well, anyways I will also be talking about my thoughts, feelings and the people and things I care about etc...

I will also begin each post with a quote I really like or fits my circumstances from somewhere, the Bible, a novel, a movie, a scientist, a garbage-man... somewhere.

Tonight I am going to go see Exorcist the beginning. I was planning to see it last Friday, but I was in too much pain due to a Epididymitis bacterial infection. It hurt so bad, you just have no idea.

I ended up in the emergency room Saturday, but thankfully it was something that could be cleared up with antibiotics. My recovery process is suppose to take 4-6 weeks, but I am healing faster than the doctors said because God has sped up the process. I was not able to even walk normally. Every step hurt. Today is the first day I can walk like a human.

You know, being sick or encountering adversity can sometimes cause us to grow spiritually because we realize that we have nothing to trust in except for God's word.

During my disabled time I watched Prince Caspian and the Silver Chair. I had only previously seen The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I liked that one, but I think I like The Silver Chair best (so far). I have only seen three of the six Chronicles of Narnia so that could change.
Before the year is out, I plan to buy the novels. I liked it a lot as a kid, but I drifted away from it.

Well anyways, I will try to be back on here often if not most everyday. Take care everyone.

- Tony