Monday, September 13, 2004


"A taste for irony has kept more hearts from breaking than a sense of humor for it takes irony to appreciate the joke which is on oneself" - Jessamyn West

Isn't it ironic for me to wake up today to the sound of an annoying alarmclock and finding that both my hands are asleep from sleeping on them.


It happened, no joke. So here I am flopping my two sleeping hands on the alarm clock like two fish out of water, in the dark mind you... only to change the channel to an annoying song that I'd hate to hear any time of the day, only full blast. I just felt a need to say that.

Yesterday I spoke with my old friend Alana who I had not seen or talked to in two years. She is from South Africa and was here for awhile as an exchange student. That was really cool.

I have always said that I am a moderate conservative... but not like the governor of California. When it comes to ethics I am a conservative... but I think those bleeding heart liberals have some good points in certain areas... only I question if those ideals are thier own or those of the special interest groups that fund their camaign.

I saw an interview with Bill Clinton from earlier this year and he made a good point. Liberals and conservatives both tend to demonize the opposing leaders and deify the ones they support. To do either is wrong, because as President Clinton pointed out, all presidents are humans, neither devil or God.

So I took a liberal-conservative p[personality test and here is what I received...

The how conservative are you Test
written by lemonslippers

The Moderate
Okay! You scored 73!
You are a moderate. Not EVERYTHING conservatives do annoys you, but some things get under your skin. You're not entirely comfortable with liberals, but there are some issues you'll support them on. You like to think of yourself as an independent thinker and you refuse to just vote down the party line! You hesitate before leaping into things, but when you get into them, you're quite passionate!

Well got a lot to get done today, so I'll cut this short.

Blessings -


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