Saturday, August 28, 2004


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmond Burke (1729-1797)

I saw the new Exorcist movie, "Exorcist The beginning" on Thursday night. I must admit that at first I did not like it. In fact I nearly walked out of the theatre. Reason being, there are some scenes that are quite disturbing. I mean more disturbing then I have seen in any horror films. Those scenes include a few children meeting horrible, violent and grotesque deaths.

For me, I felt that they did not need to show all that they did, and coming out of the film I hated it. That was until it was pointed out to me what a great movie it was.

You see as upsetting and disturbing as this movie was, it did show that violence against children, prejudice, perversion, and war all are inspired by darker origins. Too often people get mad a God for these things. The movie also depicts that the main scene is the spot where Lucifer fell to the Earth and that he is the one directly responsible for all of these atrocities.

Best yet, unlike the first Exorcist, God is glorified in the actual Exorcism. In the first film, the Priest was unable to cast out the demon, and instead made a deal with it, inviting it into himself.

This time around, a priest does rededicate his life to God, is accused by the Devil for his past sins and then by the power of God, casts it out. I hated it, hated it more, then realized it I liked it... well, with the help of someone else.

Additionally, the beginning was not only depicted as this prequel story, but the beginning was when Lucifer fell.

For entertainment value, I was not a fan. One star. *
For exposing the Devil's works, I give it five stars. *****

- Tony


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