Wednesday, September 15, 2004


"Aim at heaven, and you will get earth thrown in; aim at earth, and you will get neither." - CS Lewis

Like most ENFJs, for an extrovert, I am highly private about many of my own personal experiences, feelings and struggles. It is a rare occurrence that I talk about them. I am much more likely to talk about an opinion or information than a feeling that is personal. This blog is a way for me to force myself to share more of myself with others, which I have come to see is healthy.

I recently found out that on Sunday night my Aunt Valerie left this world for the better one. Death at times is a hard thing to come to grips with. When a person is gone that has been around ever since you can remember or at the very least for a long time, it can be quite difficult to believe it is real.

My aunt was a good woman and I never bestow praise lightly. Not only was she educated and successful, but she was also caring and helped out family members whenever she could. Several years ago when my parents were struggling, she bought them a much needed new refrigerator. That is just one example.

I cannot say that I talked to her often in my life, as she lived on the other side of the country ever since I can remember. However all of my memories of her are fond, and the past several years I did have the opportunity to see her a few times. Every year at Christmas, she would send each of us money well into our adult years.
I will always remember her saying not long ago that she was proud of the young man that I have become. I'll keep that with me forever.

It was only recently that we all became aware that she had fallen ill with an extremely rare illness. Such things are often unpredictable and difficult to explain, but she left her mark by the love and kindness she showed others in this life...

and the very same she now receives in the life that is eternal.


Monday, September 13, 2004


"A taste for irony has kept more hearts from breaking than a sense of humor for it takes irony to appreciate the joke which is on oneself" - Jessamyn West

Isn't it ironic for me to wake up today to the sound of an annoying alarmclock and finding that both my hands are asleep from sleeping on them.


It happened, no joke. So here I am flopping my two sleeping hands on the alarm clock like two fish out of water, in the dark mind you... only to change the channel to an annoying song that I'd hate to hear any time of the day, only full blast. I just felt a need to say that.

Yesterday I spoke with my old friend Alana who I had not seen or talked to in two years. She is from South Africa and was here for awhile as an exchange student. That was really cool.

I have always said that I am a moderate conservative... but not like the governor of California. When it comes to ethics I am a conservative... but I think those bleeding heart liberals have some good points in certain areas... only I question if those ideals are thier own or those of the special interest groups that fund their camaign.

I saw an interview with Bill Clinton from earlier this year and he made a good point. Liberals and conservatives both tend to demonize the opposing leaders and deify the ones they support. To do either is wrong, because as President Clinton pointed out, all presidents are humans, neither devil or God.

So I took a liberal-conservative p[personality test and here is what I received...

The how conservative are you Test
written by lemonslippers

The Moderate
Okay! You scored 73!
You are a moderate. Not EVERYTHING conservatives do annoys you, but some things get under your skin. You're not entirely comfortable with liberals, but there are some issues you'll support them on. You like to think of yourself as an independent thinker and you refuse to just vote down the party line! You hesitate before leaping into things, but when you get into them, you're quite passionate!

Well got a lot to get done today, so I'll cut this short.

Blessings -

Saturday, September 11, 2004

What LOTR Middle Earth race are you?

Thursday, September 09, 2004

What Marvel hero are you? I am Nightcrawler.

Which DC hero are you? I am The Green Lantern.

Never much thought of myself as The Green L:antern, but the power of his imagination resembles me.

The Emerald Knight. You possess one of the most powerful weapons in the universe, and it is powered by your will and imagination. You are the Green Lantern, and no one can match your
The Emerald Knight. You possess one of the most
powerful weapons in the universe, and it is
powered by your will and imagination. You are
the Green Lantern, and no one can match your

Which DC Super Hero Are You?
brought to you by

Sunday, September 05, 2004

What Transformer Are You? I am Optimus Prime.

You are Optimus Prime!

Which Transformer Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, September 04, 2004


"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to appellation." - First US President George Washington (1732 - 1799)

Today is the day of my friends’ weddings. As stated before, I can only attend one. It is really a tough thing.

Speaking of tough things, on Thursday I found a neighbors cat dead in the in the street. A car had hit it. Then I had to tell the person across the street that her cat was dead. It was terrible and she was in tears. The eerie part was when I told her, she was listening to the Evanescence song, "My Immortal" with the lyrics, "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears." I hope it ministered to her.

My personal feelings on it: That is why we don't let our cats out. I mean there is no reason to. Cats that stay in live longer anyways. Any vet will tell you that.

Since I first saw that cat, I had admired it from afar as it would play in their yard. On certain occasions I would see it chasing it's tail around and around in circles or playing tag with their much larger dogs. It was a real shame.

I am also seriously grieving over what happened to those kids in Russia. I am so sick of this world. I do want to fall in love- get married etc. but if Jesus comes first, you'll get no complaints from me. This is random but you know you don't have to live alone in Heaven. There is no sex so there is no need for marriage like we have on Earth. The only marriage we be in is to Jesus. However there are families in Heaven. If you fall in love on Earth or just want to stay with someone in Heaven, if they do not object, you can. However it is based purely on love of one another. Sex, jealousy and the like will be done away with.

Some people freak out when i tell them no sex. Listen. if God can create that ecstasy, imagine what greater things he will do. Trust me, you'll get over it.

"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
- I Corinthians 2:9 KJV

"But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God." - 1 Corinthians 2:10

In the mean time, I just want to do a better job of helping get people ready to come with me.

"Even so, come, Lord Jesus." - Revelation 22:20 KJV



How evil are you?

I won't take that as an insult, but can't I be an edgy angel? Edgy angels are so cool.

Friday, September 03, 2004


I was wondering who knows me the best. To find out how well you know me, please take the test below.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Random Stuff

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today is Wednesday... I think. Well it has certainly been a full week and there is still so much more to do. I want to go to the zoo before it gets too cold, but it may be a bit much trying to squeeze it in this week.

I usually try to pilgrimage to the zoo at least once a year. I love wildlife, especially big cats... like most of you don't know that... so I'll move on.

I think I am more or less just being random today. Nothing particular to post. However, I will say that I am feeling better this week. Not totally normal yet, but normal enough to function. God is faithful.

My fantasy football league is about to start and next month the big one for me, "Fantasy Basketball." I get butterflies in my stomach this time of year. There is something warm and fuzzy about fall. The only bad part is that it is the transition from summer to winter.

I won my league last year with the team name "2004 NBA Champion Pistons." I did it as an act of faith, sort of. Then my Pistons won the NBA title! I was so thrilled.

No one really gave them a chance to win against LA. and they whipped them like I knew they would.

Well that's enough rambling.
